New Covid Response -- Masses / Sacraments Continue as Before but No On-Site meetings for Remainder of January


[Versión en Español]

January 4, 2022 - Memorial of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Dear Parishioners,

Applying to our Parish the recommendations offered by the Diocese at its January 4th Zoom meeting with all Pastors and business managers:

(1) All on-site meetings of parish groups and ministries are cancelled until the end of January.  

(2) Masses, Weddings, Quinces, Baptisms (in the Church) and hearing of Confessions (outside) will continue as in the recent past, but all attendees are _strongly_ encouraged to wear masks at those sacramental activities.

(3) Weekday Masses, as well as the 5 PM Sat, 10:30 AM Sun and 12:30 PM Sun Masses will be livestreamed again on our Parish Facebook page (and stored again on our Parish YouTube Page).

(4) The Faith Formation Program has already made its adaptations.  First Communion classes were not scheduled for January anyway, and Confirmation classes for the month of January have been moved online or for at home independent study.

(5) Individual Counseling as well as the small RCIA dismissal / classes may continue.  But larger classes involving more than 8-10 people (including instructors) are cancelled for the month of January as well (as per #1).

Finally, (6) all our parishioners and all people are asked to wear your masks at all indoor public venues and events at this time, and if not vaccinated or fully vaccinated, please do so.  

Sincerely and in Christ,

Fr. Dennis Kriz, OSM



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