Covid-19 vs Common Cold / Flu / Seasonal Alergies


Hi folks, 

I found myself coming down in the last couple of days WITH A COLD.

AY, how would one know / distinguish it from COVID-19?

Well, (1) I found a chart / compared symptoms -- my principal symptoms were: 

a) a SORE THROAT yesterday (COMMON for a cold, SOMETIMES for COVID-19)

b) a RUNNY NOSE / CONGESTION today (COMMON for a cold, RARE for COVID-19)

Otherwise, my breathing was fine, oximeter reading 98% (below 95% starts to indicate a possible COVID problem), no fever, etc.

(2) I still did a self evaluation on the CDC site.  It was recommended that I seek a health professional

(3) I made a quick appointment (for this morning / but they take walk-ups ... they take your name and you wait in your car until they call you) at St. Jude's Urgent Care.

(4) The doctor told me, "Yup, you have a cold, I could test you for Covid-19 but you're almost certainly going to test negative."  She also said, "PLEASE WEAR A MASK when around people and if you come to be very fatigued by Monday, please make another appointment to come here."

I write this because OTHERS OF YOU WILL COME DOWN WITH COLDS (please GET A FLU SHOT) this season and NOT EVERYTHING IS COVID-19.

So for your peace of mind, take advantage of the comparison chart, the CDC self-evaluation, get a pulse-oximeter (why? it costs $25 and will tell you immediately if there may be a problem), and when needed get a quick appointment with your doctor or at an urgent care facility like the one at St. Jude's here in Fullerton.

Sincerely and in Christ,

Fr. Dennis


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