Teen Confirmation Registration is now open!!



Weighing out the health risks and concerns of the St. Philip Benizi families, we will be offering three Confirmation options that will include adaptations to help meet the individual needs of our families.

  1.        Virtual learning
  2.        Home Family Study
  3.        Take home packets

Curriculum: Purpose Confirmation

The Purpose curriculum is 24 sessions with a heavy focus on evangelizing young people and accompanying them as they become disciples. The curriculum addresses three big questions, "Why believe in God?", "Why trust Jesus?" and "Why be a part of the Church?" These questions are supplemented with the Foundations book series, which allow teens to dive more deeply into each.

·         C1: lessons 1-12

·         C2: lessons 13-24


  1. Virtual learning: Zoom, YouTube, google hangouts
  2. Home Studies: Google classroom-which will include family lessons that with a digital worksheet that will need to be turned in weekly (will need a personal Gmail account-we can help set up new accounts)
  3. Independent Studies: Printed lesson plan that will include an activity, worksheet (must be turned in and picked up weekly)

Candidates will be assigned to a Confirmation core team made of 3 people: 1 catechist, 1: catechist assistant and 1: post confirmation teen, young adult, or adult. Classrooms will not be larger than 15 students.

Come Register your Teen Today!

Registration Packet

  • Confirmation preparation is a 2-year program that teens can begin in 9th, 10th, or 11th grade in the first year.
  • Preparation for the sacrament will include 12 mandatory classes, parent/sponsor events including Alpha on line, youth nights, Summit sessions, service in the parish community, mass attendance, and up to two weekend retreats each year.
  • The fee for year 1 is: $130 and for year 2 is: $160
  • The registration fee covers program supplies and event materials, and includes the cost of the weekend retreat.
  • Confirmation classes, and retreats will be virtual. We hope to return to in face instruction, but cannot guarantee this at the moment.
  • Calendar will be provided during the parent orientation meeting on October 26 for C1 and October 27 for C2 families.
  • Classes will begin on November 3rd.

Registration for all Religions Education Programs begin on September 8, 2020. 

To Register:
  1. Print and complete the Family Registration Packet (make sure to sign all forms)
  2. Write a check out to St. Philip Benizi
  3. Bring completed forms and payment to the Faith Formation office

  • Completed Family Registration Packet (or Returning Family Registration Form)
  • Copy of baptismal certificate (unless a copy has been previously been submitted-let us know if student was baptized at St. Philip Benizi)
  • Payment in full must be receive at time of registration.
  • A recent picture of the student (s)
  • Fill out the Confirmation Teen additional information form (Included in the registration packet or google for,scan QR code)
  • Turn in filled out Minor Permission Slip (in the event we can incorporate outdoor activities, when safe)
  • Turn in filled out Digital Evangelization Consent Form
  • Sign up for REMIND 


Diana Trout
St. Philip Benizi
Confirmation & Youth Ministry Coordinator


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