Your Voices Matter -- REGISTER TO VOTE!


Register to VOTE!


Every single member of your household, family and friends who is

 (1) A citizen of the United States

 (2) over 18 years of age

 should be registered to vote. 

Voting is important not merely on the national / state levels but on the local level as well.  If you want representatives who understand you and will respond to your needs and aspirations, you need to vote.

 To register to vote ELECTRONICALLY:

Note that to be eligible to vote in the Nov. 3, 2020 election your registration form must be postmarked or submitted electronically by Oct 19, 2020.  

(1) go to


(2) take a picture with your smartphone of the below QR code, click, and you will be taken to the above website automatically:

then select the language that you are most comfortable in and follow the instructions.

Your participation in elections literally adds your voice to the decisions that will be made in our country and community for years to come.  Not voting means leaving these decisions to others with all the attendant consequences.



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