St Philip Benizi Parish will start celebrating Mass Outdoors this Weekend -- Sat/Sun July 25-26

July 23, 2020
Dear Parishioners,

Listening to feedback, learning a number of things from our experience of last week, and thoroughly discussing the options as staff, we’ve come up with the following mixed approach offering (1) public Mass outside at times when it is comfortable to be outdoors and (2) the opportunity to simply receive Communion when it is not (with the promise that recipients would participate in a Mass livestreamed by us or livestreamed/broadcast elsewhere sometime during the day):

As such our Sunday Service Schedule will be:

Saturday, 6:30 PM – Public Mass in English Outside in the School Courtyard by the Statue of St. Joseph (livestreamed as well).  Attendees are asked to bring their own chairs. 

Sunday, 8:00 AM – Public Mass in English Outside in the School Courtyard by the Statue of St. Joseph (live streamed as well).  Attendees are asked to bring their own chairs.

Sunday, 10:00-10:30 AM – Opportunity to receive Holy Communion at the end of two or three short Communion Services in the School Courtyard by the Statue of St. Joseph.  There will be NO NEED for attendees to bring chairs as these services will be quick, but attendees are expected to participate in a Mass livestreamed either by us or broadcast elsewhere during the day.

Sunday, 12:30 PM – Spanish Mass, livestreamed from the Friars’ House.

Sunday, 4:30 PM – Indonesian Mass, livestreamed from the Chapel of Undisclosed Location

Sunday, 6:30 PM – Public Mass in Spanish Outside in the School Courtyard by the Statue of St. Joseph.  Attendees are asked to bring their own chairs.

Note that this is an evolving Schedule and we may tweak it as needed for the following Sunday and beyond.

Further based on our experience with celebrating this Sunday’s 8:00 AM Mass, will make a decision next week as to how best to begin again making our daily Masses accessible to the Public as well.  For the time being, our Daily Masses will continue to be closed to the public and livestreamed from the Chapel of Undisclosed Location and the Friars’ House, until further notice.

Sincerely and in Christ,
Fr. Dennis Kriz, OSM


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