Interfaith Prayer Service on Zoom, June 19th at 12:15 PM -- NOTE THIS MONTH'S DATE CHANGE -- for the People "Without Fixed Abode" who died in June 2022 in OC
Hello, All are invited to a Zoom Interfaith Memorial Prayer Service for OC's homeless deceased. NOTE THE DATE CHANGE (just this month)- Tuesday, July 19th at 12:15 PM Last month, 31 people who died "without fixed abode" (homeless) in OC. For the year thus far the total is 236. Last year at this time the total was 185, in 2020 the number was 151, and in 2019, the last year before the onset of the COVID crisis, the number was 98. Indeed, in 2019, the total number of deaths among those "without fixed abode" for the entire year was 209. So with six months, a 1/2 year to go, the number of homeless deaths has already exceeded the number of deaths for the whole of 2019, the last year before COVID. Thus the homeless death rate has effectively doubled since the onset of COVID. At this rate, the number of homeless deaths for the year is projected at 472. By the County's 2022 PIT Count, such that it was, there were 5718 people who ...