
Showing posts from January, 2021

Msg from the R.C. Diocese of Orange / California Catholic Conference -- Vaccinate to Protect the Health of Yourself and Your Community

Editor's note: The following statement was issued by the Bishops of the California Catholic Conference. Click here for the Spanish version.   Spanish version   In partnership with the Catholic health systems and Catholic Charities throughout the Golden State, the Catholic Bishops of California urge all Californians to receive a vaccination to prevent the continued spread of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic that has claimed the lives of more than 2 million people worldwide.   As the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has said, the vaccines now available and offered (Pfizer and Moderna), and those currently in the testing approval/process (AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson), are morally permissible and can be used in good conscience.  We urge Catholics of goodwill to put at ease others who have reservations about the morality of accepting such a vaccine that the highest doctrinal authority in the Church has given its OK after much study and research. ...

Message from the Diocese of Orange on the Occasion of President Biden's Inauguration

  A message from the Diocese of Orange Now that the inauguration, ceremonies and celebrations appropriate to a transition of leadership in our nation are complete, we join with so many people of faith to pray that our most generous God grant wisdom and strength to you, President Biden, as well as your family and leadership team. We join you in your call for unity in our country. We pledge our willingness to always maintain a relationship of respect as we discuss and support policies and funding that recognize the dignity of each human person — born and unborn. And we will honor our beautiful diversity and work to create a common good that always protects the vulnerable, voiceless and most in need. You can count on us to continue our ministries in social services, health care and education while partnering with you to build a better America and a better world.

Tues. January 12th at 12:15 PM (noon hr) - Monthly Zoom Interfaith Memorial Service for OC's Homeless Deceased

    Hello, All are invited to a Zoom Interfaith Memorial Prayer Service for OC's Homeless Deceased. Tuesday, January 12th at 12:15 PM Fr. Dennis Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 836 4191 3998 One tap mobile +16699006833,,83641913998# Prayer Service Text -- The List of the Names of OC's Homeless Deceased in Dec 2020 --